A Six Page Study on the Origin of Christianity
R. Carrier Ph.D. in ancient history: "When you start looking at the facts and pulling at threads,
  nearly every “traditional” consensus related to Jesus falls apart as unfounded and indefensible."

From Christ To Jesus title

How Christian Faith Evolved
from a Mythical Christ to an Historical Jesus

What does History say?
"The actions of Jesus present themselves to the verification of historians.
Nobody today can seriously pretend, in the name of History that Jesus has never existed."
Catechism for adults of the French bishops. This wide spread idea can even be found in textbooks.
Jesus was a common name 2,000 years ago in Galilee, and some people named Jesus must have been crucified among all the Jews the Romans killed. This study is not trying to discredit this eventuality, but to investigate the birth of Christianity. Particularly, it is challenging the mainstream view that:
"Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth" Wikipedia Christianity
Something experts are certain of:
"virtually all historians and scholars have concluded Jesus did exist as a historical figure."
B. Ehrman Did Jesus Exist?
However, if one goes a little bit deeper, he will rapidly discover a deception (see the tab "6 Dogmatic Assumptions" below). Indeed, apart from 2 or 3 exotic minds, all these theologians have assumed that the mouvement started with a man from Galilee, probably a Jewish illiterate peasant, who would have been crucified in Jerusalem around 30 CE. For the rest, there are almost as many theories on Jesus as there are books about him!
"Why is Jesus, alone of all historical figures, so covered by a cloud of unknowing and a cloak of protective invisibility?
Why is Jesus more unknowable or less reconstructable than any other ancient person about whom data has survived?"
J.D. Crossan The Birth of Christianity
Undeniably, for more than a hundred years, theologians have failed to extract the HJ (Historical Jesus) behind the Myth.
"There is nothing more negative than the result of the critical study of the life of Jesus. The Jesus of Nazareth who came forward publicly as the Messiah, who preached the ethic of the kingdom of God, who founded the kingdom of heaven upon earth, and died to give his work its final consecration, never had any existence. This image has not been destroyed from without, it has fallen to pieces, cleft and disintegrated by the concrete historical problems which came to the surface one after another."
Well known conclusion of The Quest of the Historical Jesus by Albert Schweitzer in 1906, that is still so much valid today.
At high level, the MJ (Mythical Jesus) theory is the opposite of any other theory saying that it was Jesus life & death that triggered this colossal response among his followers. But in the details, the MJ theory has a lot in common with modern critical scholarship as they both agree that most of what is attributed to Jesus in the Gospels is fake. These HJ minimal theories are skeptical of so much that their refusal to tackle the last step, that the crucifixion of Jesus is not based on a recent event in Jerusalem, seems genuinely political (see tab "A Hidden Agenda" below). Their few attempts to support Jesus' existence have also been notable failures, as attested by the Did Jesus Exist? by B. Ehrman (2013).

"Whether Christ did, or did not live, has nothing at all to do with what the churches teach, or with what we believe. It is wholly a matter of evidence and a question of science.
The question is -- what does history say?
And that question must be settled in the court of historical criticism. If the thinking world is to hold to the position that Christ was a real character, there must be sufficient evidence to warrant that belief."
Marshall J. Gauvin
What is at stake?
If the theory supported by this web site is correct, it will be, by far, our most important case of Historical revisionism.
It might also shake the faith of 2.3 billion believers...
"The one duty we owe to history is to rewrite it."
Oscar Wilde
The Search for the Historical Jesus: Where are we today?
A Theologian Reserved Domain Some Findings
150 Years
of Quest
A Hidden
6 Dogmatic
A Biased
A Hated
A Religion
of Parallels
A Gap of
As of today (2022), there have been three quests on the HJ (Historical Jesus), period with more interest and books among scholars. They seek to find the man behind the many traditions surrounding Jesus.
It is a peculiarly modern quest, unlike the ancient or medieval worlds, our age wants the facts. Ancient, medieval, early Christians never had such a thing. Who would have question at that time the legitimacy of Christian faith in Jesus Christ?
1 - The First Quest 1750-1930
  • Hermann Samuel Reimarus
  • David Friedrich Strauss
  • Ernest Renan
  • Albert Schweitzer Son of a pastor

Schweitzer ended the quest by noting how each scholar's version of Jesus seemed little more than an idealized autobiography of the scholar himself- a criticism that still haunts Jesus research to this day.
The No Quest
  • Rudolf Bultmann Son of a minister
  • Martin Dibelius Son of a pastor
Scholars asserted the Quest for the HJ was impossible because of insufficient evidence, and considered it both historically impossible and theologically illegitimate to write a biography of Jesus. Yet, they tended to present Jesus as an Existentialist Philosopher.
2 - The Second Quest (1953-1970)
  • Gunther Bornkamm Pastor
  • Ernst Kasemann Pastor
  • James M. Robinson Minister
  • John A. T. Robinson Bishop
  • Edward Schillebeeckx Priest
Theologians emphasized how the redaction of the New Testament resulted from a process over time, so that it included early textual layers, around which later and later layers crystalized. The goal would be the detection of such early text.
3 - The Third Quest 1980-2003
Here, there has been at least one more split on how they view Jesus:
Wandering and Cynic wisdom teacher Apocalyptic prophet announcing the Kingdom of Heaven
  • Marcus Borg Christian, wife priest
  • John Dominic Crossan Former priest
  • Robert Funk Christian Theological Seminary
  • Burton Mack Prof. at Claremont School of Theology
  • Robert M. Price Former Baptist Minister
  • John Shelby Spong Bishop
  • Leif Vaage Evangelical Lutheran Pastor
  • John S. Kloppenborg Ph.D. in Theology
  • Members of the Jesus Seminar
  • E.P. Sanders Protestant
  • Raymond E. Brown Catholic priest
  • John P. Meier Catholic priest. Papal gold medal Bib. Inst.
  • Geza Vermes Former Catholic priest - Jewish
  • N. T. Wright Dean of Lichfield cathedral
  • Ben Witherington Conservative Methodist
  • Hyam Maccoby Jewish
  • Gerd Theissen Protestant, wrote to support Biblical Faith
  • Bart Ehrman Seminarian of the Moody Bible Institute
Wikipedia Quest for the historical Jesus
So I suggest it is time to start the fourth quest:
4 - The Jesus Exist Quest 2023-
Anyone can see from above that almost all Historians on Jesus are in reality Theologians. Most of them are also priest/pastor/minister or former priest or had a spouse or father who was.
"Most men who write on Christian origins are trained theologians,
committed to certain conclusions before they begin
G.A. Wells
Religious Affiliation in the United States
Christianity is still very present in western culture, despite it went done in the U.S. from 83% in 2003 to 72% in 2017, mainly due to new generations of non-believers.
Most of the universities in the United States have a major workforce of teachers and researchers devoted to something-or-other relating to the bible. Many men and women depend on it for their living while being at the same time members of `faith communities'.
This is even more true for scholars of the New Testament as we can see in the previous tab A Quest of 150 Years. The professionals of the field are not Historians but Theologians and most of them are or have been priest, pastor, minister... The Christian Church is everywhere in their education and life.
In 2020 in the US, there were about
  • 315,000 theologians in the workforce (0.2% of the total workforce)
  • 27,000 degrees awarded for the year
See DataUsa: Theology.
Many of these universities teach these kind of doctrines:
"Everything we do at Moody falls under the authority of the Bible, which
declares timeless truth that is relevant today and throughout every generation.
We believe that understanding and sharing God's Word is a lifelong journey.
And we're committed to providing encouragement for you in your walk with Christ."
Bahrt Ehrman and many other scholars are their products, even if they can change side after.
A Theological Agenda
A conservative environment:
"The Servite major seminary was near Chicago but we students lived in complete isolation from the outside world. Monastic life meant celibacy and liturgy, work and recreation, silence and study. The curriculum was designed for safety rather than originality; obedience was the supreme virtue; discussion and debate were hardly encouraged."
J.D. Crossan
And scholars recognize it:
"I am concerned, not with an unattainable objectivity, but with an attainable honesty."
"the historical Jesus research is becoming something of a scholarly bad joke. it is impossible to avoid the suspicion that historical Jesus research is a very safe place to do theology and call it history, to do autobiography and call it biography."
J.D. Crossan The Historical Jesus
A Financial Agenda
There is a whole economic ecosystem based on the Bible for which so many people depend on, including most of our theologians. It exists almost everywhere in the world and particularly in the United States where study shows that the Faith economy is worth $1.2tn a year – more than the combined revenues of the 10 biggest tech firms in America.
“the faith sector is undoubtedly a significant component of the overall American economy, impacting and involving the lives of the majority of the US population”.
The Guardian: Religion in US 'worth more than Google and Apple combined'
A Self-Preservation Agenda
Hector Avalos (1958-2021) -Harvard Phd of Philosophy and former Pentecostal preacher- argues that biblical studies, as we know it, should end, because it is just religious apologetics, not an academic discipline or a branch of scholarship. In this radical critique of his own academic specialty, he outlines two main arguments:
  • First, academic biblical scholarship has clearly succeeded in showing that the ancient civilization that produced the Bible held beliefs about the origin, nature, and purpose of the world and humanity that are fundamentally opposed to the views of modern society. The Bible is thus largely irrelevant to the needs and concerns of contemporary human beings.
  • Second, Avalos criticizes his colleagues for applying a variety of flawed and specious techniques aimed at maintaining the illusion that the Bible is still relevant in today's world. In effect, he accuses his profession of being more concerned about its self-preservation than about giving an honest account of its own findings to the general public and faith communities.
Avalos shows first that the principal subdisciplines of biblical studies (textual criticism, archaeology, historical criticism, literary criticism, biblical theology, and translations) are still influenced by religiously motivated agendas despite claims to independence from religious premises. For example, the translations of the bible are largely bowdlerised.
In the second part, he focuses on the infrastructure that supports academic biblical studies to maintain the value of the profession and the Bible. This infrastructure includes academia (public and private universities and colleges), churches, the media-publishing complex, and professional organizations such as the Society of Biblical Literature -7,000 self-serving members who have nothing useful or original to offer. He laments that the publishing industry and academia have such a vested interest in keeping our "bibliolatry" worship alive.
"Bible Study" is a thoroughly worn out field where nothing new has been discovered or analyzed for decades. Even worse than this, academics are fully aware of the futility of further study. Avalos points this out by quoting extensively from academics who are fully devoted to their profession, but strangely honest about how difficult it is to find anything remotely new to say.
He shows that biblical scholarship, far from being a neutral and objective enterprise, is motivated even today by theological presuppositions."
Adapted from some online reviews and Infidels: The End of Biblical Studies
"I have taken it for granted that Jesus of Nazareth existed."
N. T. Wright Jesus and the Victory of God
"I am not even interested in trying [to prove that Jesus existed]"
J.D. Crossan
"The doubt as to whether Jesus really existed is unfounded and not worth refutation.
No sane persone can doubt..."
R. Bultmann Jesus and the Word
B. Ehrman himself asserted that the present state of New Testament scholarship is such that an established scholar should present his Life of Jesus, without considering whether this figure, in fact, lived as a historical person.
The assumptions implied reflect a serious problem regarding the historical quality of scholarship in biblical studies—not least that which presents itself as self-evidently historical-critical.
Six undisputable historical facts
  • Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. Gospels  Epistles
  • He was a Galilean who preached and worked miracles. Gospels  Epistles
  • He limited his activity to Israel. Gospels  Epistles
  • He called up those who would become his disciples. Gospels  Epistles
  • He raised controversy over the role of the temple. Gospels  Epistles
  • He was crucified outside Jerusalem by the Roman authorities. Gospels  Epistles
"none of this is told of Jesus in the extant Christian Epistles (Pauline and others)
which are either earlier than the gospels or early enough to have been written independently of them."
The entire community (or almost) of scholars are assuming at least these 6 'facts' before they start any study. Yet, these 'facts' exist solely in the Gospels ... which are the own target of their investigation!
They also assume that the first apostles like Paul
  • lost all interest in everything Jesus is supposed to have said or done.
  • suddenly turned an unknown man they have never seen, into the Son of God, Sustainer of the Universe and World's Sin Redeemer.
For how long will 'scholarship' refuse to question these 6 hypotheses?
And think a little bit outside its "seminary boxes"?
Since the beginning, you can smell that there is something wrong going on here:
"the criteria reasonably used by historians writing about important political figures
such as Julius Caesar need modification in dealing with the historicity of Jesus"
M. Casey Jesus: Evidence and Argument Or Mythicist Myths 2014

Method on Jesus existence:
No Criteria
Method after assuming Jesus did exist:
5 Controversial Criterions
As we have seen in the previous Tab "6 Dogmatic Assumptions", scholarship almost never address the existence of Jesus. The few times they try, their criterions are fallacious.
The Gospels proving the Gospels
In his book Did Jesus Exist? B. Ehrman argues that the synoptic gospels are based on earlier written traditions that are themselves based on earlier oral traditions that go back close to the "traditional date of the death of Jesus" (p93). Therefore Jesus existed. This is special pleading and circular reasoning on a heroic scale.
Or the treason of Judas according to Régis Burnet in this article in French (my translation below).

Supposedly, The crucifixion of Jesus is an example of an event that meets the criterion of embarrassment. This method of execution was considered one of the most shameful and degrading in the Roman world, so it is the least likely to have been invented by the followers of Jesus. See Wikipedia
However, it is just another Christian invention that doesn't stand in front history:
- Attis vs. Jesus
Or raped/abducted like Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and Demeter or dismembered in 42 pieces like Osiris...
- Spiderman vs. Jesus
The criterions used in this case, although aguably weak as we will see below, might be in reality, the best we can find.
Here are the ones from the Jesus Seminar:
  • Multiple Attestation
    If more than one person say it, it is true. See Wikipedia
    For example, the chief argument of J. Meier (a Roman Catholic priest) for the historicity of Jesus' miracles rests principally on the criterion of multiple attestation:
    The use of 'home made' criteria in historical Jesus research, like multiple attestation, gives the enterprise an appearance of scientific objectivity that may be deceptive. Logically, there is little reason why multiple attestation alone should indicate historical reliability, and there are certainly not as many useful independent sources for Jesus' miracles as Meier supposes.
    In reality, all the extant records about the Historical Jesus have a dependency on a single source: the Gospel of Mark (with possibly the exception of Q that is examined in the  page).
    Adapted from Eric Eve Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus
  • Matching the Environment
    if it fits a Palestinian Jewish environment in 30 CE, it is true.
    Unfortunately, NT scholars also realized it was equally possible that evangelists could have simply put on Jesus' lips common Jewish opinion. We are well aware of the tendency to ascribe one's favorite sayings to one's favorite sage:
    • Some sayings are ascribed to several different names in the Mishnah
    • The words of king Solomon are reported in many documents: Book of Proverbs, the Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Odes of Solomon, the Psalms of Solomon, the Song of Solomon, the Testament of Solomon or the Key of Solomon!
  • Dissimilarity/Distinctiveness
    if it doesn't fit a Palestinian Jewish environment in 30 CE, it is true. See Wkipedia
    "Because no one would attribute anything really odd or eccentric to him, and therefore it is so.
    Its very oddity and eccentricity are testimony to its truth or to its historical veracity."
    Shaye J.D. Cohen (an ordained rabbi)
    However, it doesn't work for many reasons:
    - Spaghetti Monster vs. Jesus
    - Nephi vs. Jesus
    In any case, it appears that, except little details like Jesus said "Amen" at the beginning of a saying instead of the end as it was the custom, there is nothing new or original in the NT that canno't be found in the Scriptures or elsewhere.
  • Embarrassment
    if it doesn't fit later orthodoxy, it is true.
    For example, the claim that Jesus:
    • "moved with anger" Mark 1:41.
    • was "mad" according to his opponents (Mark 3:21).
    • ignored the time when the end would come (Mark 13:32).
    There is no real contradition with the Catholic church in these examples. Plus there was, at the origin of Christianity, a multitude of opposite sects and doctrines. The few sayings that offended later orthodoxy could have been simply amenable to some rival faction or at some earlier, less sophisticated stage.
  • Coherence
    If Jesus was 'like this', his sayings must conform to 'this'. See Vridar
    Under this criterion J. Meier argues that... the sayings fit the stories!
    Sure, in theory, we could certainly have stories about exorcisms while all the sayings referred to healing the deaf and blind!
    The image of Jesus among the Jesus Seminar was the one of a cynic wise teacher, so they have assured that the authentic sayings had this connotation, or at least were not openly in contradiction with this idea.
    Notice that any traditional Christian theory doesn't meet this last criterion, since it advocates each time multiple opposite sayings coming from the same unique source!
Extracts from a post of Ted Hoffman on the Internet Infidels Discussion Board and R. Price own Criteria in The Incredible Srinking Son of a Man.
At any rate, these kind of criteria have no values in the debate 'Myth vs History', as they all suppose Jesus existed.
I describe below two kinds of intolerance against the HJ studies:
  • the right to conduct such historical studies.
  • the idea that Jesus never existed historically.
1 - The right to study Jesus
For Catholics
As usual, Catholics lag behind. For a long time, HJ studies were forbidden by the Catholic Church. See Vatican
It is only in 1943 that, reversing the previous approach, Pope Pius XII expressed approval of historical-critical methods in his encyclical Divino afflante Spiritu. Although it was still stating that Scripture teaches "solidly, faithfully and without error that truth which God wanted put into sacred writings for the sake of salvation", R. Brown points out the ambiguity of this statement, which opened the way for a new interpretation of inerrancy by shifting from a literal interpretation of the text towards a focus on "the extent to which it conforms to the salvific purpose of God."
Still, Catholic scholar like R. Brown often had more success with protestants than his own house. For example, pertaining to the defined dogma of the Virgin Birth of Jesus, Pope John Paul II, writing after Brown and the others set forth their arguments, officially rejected their position in July, 1996 when he stated:
In another case in 2012, in response to T. Brodie's publication of his view that Jesus was mythical, Beyond the Quest for the Historical Jesus, the Dominican order banned him from writing and lecturing.
So, we understand why there aren't more Catholic priests studying the HJ or why they usually divorce from the Church when they do (like Crossan).
See Wikipedia R. Brown and Traditional Catholic Scholars Long Opposed Fr. Brown's Theories
For Protestants
The first major book of E.P. Sanders, Paul and Palestinian Judaism, was published in 1977, while it was written 2 years earlier but had difficulty to be published due to its controversial nature.
There are in the United States a plethora of Christian fundamentalists sects that still claim the inerrancy of the Scriptures: Independent Baptist, Lambeth Quadrilateral, Traditionalist Catholicism, Conservative Holiness Movement, Mormon fundamentalism, Reformed fundamentalism like the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and many evangelical Nondenominationalism...
"It is ironic that Roman Catholic scholars are emerging from the dark ages of theological tyranny just as many Protestant scholars are reentering it as a consequence of the dictatorial tactics of the Southern Baptist Convention and other fundamentalisms."
R. Funk and R. Hoover The Five Gospels
2 - The right to argue Jesus is a Myth
In Scholarship
This web site already displays many quotes from scholars resorting on the Argument of Authority, even provocation and insults.
Their books reviews are also frankly dishonest, see for example the one on Bart Ehrman and the Quest of the Historical Jesus of Nazareth that N. Godfrey criticizes.
In Online Discussion Forum
There, it is even more toxic. You can see moderators creating entirely fake messages assigned to you in order to expulse you from their forum... No need to spend much time on it, a couple of examples below on IMDb will be enough.
The Collapse of the Old Testament and other Apocrypha Texts
"In Jewish and pagan antiquity, in matters of religious persuasion, fabricating stories was the norm, not the exception... We therefore must approach all ancient religious literature from an assumption of doubt, and must work to confirm any given story or account as true, not the other way around."
R. Carrier On the Historicity of Jesus
See the quantity of books we have: Early Jewish Writings by Peter Kirby.

Fictions posing as Facts
Old Testament Exodus, Job, Ruth, Daniel, Deutero-Isaiah, Deuteron-Zachariah...
Apocrypha Enochic literature, The book of Tobit, The Ascension of Isaiah, the Revelation of Moses (and countless other Revelation texts), Joseph and Asseneth, the Testimonies of the Twelve Patriarchs, the haggadic Midrashim like the Midrash Rabbah.
The 1st Century Biblical Antiquities (or Pseudo-Philo) contains no less than 65 chapters! A whole second Bible!.
Philo All his biographies of biblical characters: Life of Moses, On Joseph...
Jewish, as well as pagan faith literature were based on fake stories passed off as fact.
Books Full of Miracles
Supernatural is everywhere in the Old Testament and often at the basis of the story.
Many of them have been re-written in the New Testament.
Aaron's rod changed Exodus 7:10-12 Waters made blood Exodus 7:20-25
Frogs produced Exodus 8:5-14 Lice Exodus 8:16-18
Flies Exodus 8:20-24 Murrain Exodus 10:3-6
Boils Exodus 9:11 Thunder, etc. Exodus 9:23
Locusts Exodus 10:12-19 Darkness Exodus 10:21-23
Death of the first-born Exodus 12:29, 30 Red Sea Exodus 14:21-31
Marah's waters sweetened Exodus 15:23-25 Manna sent Exodus 16:14-35
Water from the rock Rephidim Exodus 17:5-7 Aaron's rod budded Numbers 17:1, etc.
Nadab and Abihu consumed Leviticus 10:1, 2 The burning of Taberah Numbers 11:1-3
Earthquake and Fire Numbers 16:31-35 Water flowing from the Rock Numbers 20:7-11
Serpent healing the Israelites Numbers 21:8, 9 Balaam's ass speaking Numbers 22:21-35
The river Jordan divided Joshua 3:14-17 Walls of Jericho fall down Joshua 6:6-20
Sun and moon stand still Joshua 10:12-14 Water flowing from the rock Judges 15:19
Philistines slain before the ark 1 Samuel 5:1-12 Men of Bethshemesh smitten 1 Samuel 6:19
Thunder destroys Philistines 1 Samuel 7:10-12 Thunder and rain in harvest 1 Samuel 12:18
Sound in the mulberry trees 2 Samuel 5:23-25 Uzzah struck dead 2 Samuel 6:7
Jeroboam's hand withered 1 Kings 13:4, 5 Widow of Zarephath's meal 1 Kings 17:14-16
Widow's son raised 1 Kings 17:17-24 Sacrifice consumed 1 Kings 18:30-38
Rain obtained 1 Kings 18:41-45 Ahaziah's captains consumed 2 Kings 1:10-12
River Jordan divided 2 Kings 2:7, 8, 14 Waters of Jericho healed 2 Kings 2:21, 22
Water for Jehoshaphat's army 2 Kings 3:16-20 The widow's oil multiplied 2 Kings 4:2-7
Shunammite's son raised 2 Kings 4:32-37 The deadly pottage cured 2 Kings 4:38-41
Hundred men fed with twenty loaves 2 Kings 4:42-44 Naaman cured of his leprosy 2 Kings 5:10-14
Leprosy inflicted Gehazi 2 Kings 5:20-27 Iron swims 2 Kings 6:5-7
King of Syria's army smitten 2 Kings 6:18-20 Elisha's bones revive the dead 2 Kings 13:21
Sennacherib's army destroyed 2 Kings 19:35 Sun goeth back 2 Kings 20:9-11
Uzziah struck with leprosy 2 Chronicles 26:16-21 Shadrach, Meshach, etc., delivered Daniel 3:19-27
Daniel in the den of lions Daniel 6:16-23 Jonah in the whale's belly Jonah 2:1-10
Archaeology killed much of the Old Testament
In 1900, the situation was that archealogy had plenty of evidences for
  • Genesis: Abraham (Sodom and Gomorrah), Noah (the great deluge), Isaac, Jacob, Joseph in Egypt...
  • Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, the story of Moses, the conquest of Joshua...
  • The kingdom of David and Solomon that stretched from Egypt to Irak.

After a century that has seen an unprecedented rise of science, research and biblical critics, what is left?

"The historical saga contained in the Bible -- from Abraham's encounter with God and his journey to Canaan, to Moses deliverance of the children of Israel from bondage, to the rise and fall of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah --was not a miraculous revelation, but a brilliant product of the human imagination. It was first conceived - as recent archaeological findings suggest- during the span of two or three generations, about twenty-six hundred years ago."
Israel Finkelstein The Bible Unearthed p.1

"Yet many of the archaeological props that once bolstered the historical basis of the David and Solomon narratives have recently been called into question. The actual extent of the Davidic 'empire' is hotly debated. Diging in Jerusalem has failed to produce evidence that it was a great city in David or Solomon's time. And the monuments ascribed to Solomon are now most plausibly connected with other kings.
Thus a reconsideration of the evidence has enormous implications.
For if there were no patriarchs, no Exodus, no conquest of Canaan - and no prosperous united monarchy under David and Solomon- can we say that early biblical Israel, as described in the five books of Moses and the books of Joshua, Judges, and Samuel, ever existed?"
I. Finkelstein The Bible Unearthed p.124

1988 1991 2002 2006 2007
I. Finkelstein J. Yakar I. Finkelstein &
N. Silberman
I. Finkelstein &
N. Silberman
I. Finkelstein
YouTube Video:
The Bible Unearthed vol 1
(Patriarchs and Exodus)
The Bible Unearthed vol 2
(Kings and The Book)
The Bible's Buried Secrets

The minimalist position is a concensus nowadays since most of its opponents like William G. Dever became friends with it:
"Originally I wrote to frustrate the Biblical minimalists; then I became one of them, more or less."
Biblical Archaeology Review p.54 "Losing Faith" (March/April 2007)
At the beginning of Christianity, the process of inventing historical and religious stories was well established by the Jews for several centuries. The Gospels' stories about Jesus, not only fit the same mold than the ones in the O.T., but they are most of the time literally based on them! To know that the original tales were fake is a strong argument against the reliability of the ones that came after.
Gospels Fictions
Over the last 150 years there has been a rise in skepticism with regard to the historical validity of the Gospels. Modern scholarship holds now non-traditional views of Jesus, primarily that he said and did only a small percentage of what the Gospels claim. There are many reasons for that. For example, studies in the ancient art of composition clarified their genre and purpose: they are allegories and metaphors. The stories, characters and decor are setup to serve symbolic meanings.
It would take too much time to resume here all the arguments 'against' the Gospels. It shouldn't even stop there. To be fair, we would have to expose all the ones 'for' too, even if it is to criticize them. Indeed, there are many conservative & dogmatic books written by deeply religious persons that try to salvage what they can, usually in the most ignorant and dishonest manner. But there won't be coming back from what has been securely found.
In any case, proving (including in some ways disproving) the Gospels by the Gospels is a logical fallacy: a circular raisonning. Million of stories have no supernatural elements or technical implausibility, yet they are entirely fictitious. Whatever is written in the Gospels, there will always be a good possibility that it was invented by its author. Thus, at the end, the solution for the Gospels is elsewhere. They need to be corroborated or not by external material.
Like for the Epistles, the efficient approach taken by this web site is simply to extract from the Gospels what they say about Jesus and how: see . There, I do reuse much findings of this scholarship, like historical aberrations and parrallels in the Jewish or Hellenic world.
Here is a list non-exhaustive of recent books by critical scholars very dubious about the Gospels:
1977 1987 1989 1995 1996 1997
Who Wrote the New Testament?
E.P. Sanders J. Kloppenborg R. Helms M. Borg B. Mack R. Funk
1999 1999 1999 2000 2006 2013
J.D. Crossan G. Lüdemann B. Ehrman D. MacDonald E. Pagels J.D. Crossan
This generation owes a lot to the previous ones as we can see in the first tab "150 Years of Quest".
Although Wikipedia is biased concerning the origin of Christianity, it still contains a large amount of information Wikipedia: Historical reliability of the Gospels
It is worth noting in the 1990s, the results of an American group of around 50 critical biblical scholars (the Jesus Seminar) who voted on the sayings of Jesus:
  • 18% of probably true sayings. Even "love your neighbour" copied from Leviticus has been declared unlikely.
  • Just 9 Authentic Sayings (Q:5, Luke:2, Mark:1, Matthew:1, John:0)
  • Of the entire Lord's Prayer in Matthew, the only words that could conclusively be attributed to Jesus are "Our Father".
It is ironical to see that the same theologians who scoff at the Myth also admit:
"I do indeed think that we can now know almost nothing concerning the life and personality of Jesus, since the early Christian sources show no interest in either and are, moreover, fragmentary and often legendary."
R. Bultmann
A Religion of Parallels - Solving the Puzzle
The New Testament records are rewritings or transformations of older texts and ideas that existed at that time, giving a clear sense of where they come from. Christianity was not special but a product of its time.
Christian Claims Jewish Parallels Hellenic/Pagan Parallels
The Son of God &
a Spirit
Jewish Personal Wisdom: Old Testament The Logos: Heraclitus, Aristotle, Zeno of Citium, Isocrates, the Pyrrhonist, the Stoics...
A Heavenly Man
with a Spiritual Body
The Logos of Philo.
Superior Archangel in O.T. & Enoch
Zoroastrianism, The Apocryphon of John, Hypostasis of the Archons, Gospel of Philip
A Heavenly Judge &
Apocalyptic Figure
Apocalyptic literature:
Daniel 7, 1 Enoch and 4 Ezra
A Descending-Ascending Redeemer The Ascension of Isaiah the Naassene hymn, the Mandean, the Manichean, the Paraphrase of Shem, the Apocalypse of Adam...
A Dying & Rising Savior
with Baptism & Eucharist
For baptism: John the Baptist & the Essenes The Ancient Mysteries: Demeter, Messenia, Dionysos & Orphism, Attis, Osiris, Mithras...
A Hero Founder &
Role Model
Moses, Joseph Oedipus, Theseus, Dionysus, Romulus, Perseus, Hercules, Jason, Pelops...
A Performer of Miracles Old Testament Jonah, 1 & 2 Kings...
The Mishnah with Hanina ben Dosa
Apollonius of Tyana, Pythagoras, Asclepius, Asclepiades the Physician...
Establishing a new Covenant Moses & other patriarchs
Greek Cynic Principles Several in the Mishnah Epitectus, Seneca, Musonius, Stobaeus, Diogenes Laertius, Lucian, Demetrius...
Expectations of
the Kingdom of God
For an Apocalyptic End:
John the Baptist and several Jewish sects
For a softer inner Kingdom:
Cynicism & Stoicism.
Jesus unfairly judged & crucified
As a Whole The Suffering and Vindication of the Innocent Righteous One
Genesis, Book of Esther, Tobit, Susanna & Daniel, 3 Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon...
Homer Odyssey, Sophocles Oedipus...
and after, Shakespeare's King Lear, Milton's Paradise Lost, Hugo's Les Misérables, Melville's Moby-Dick...
In the Details A pastiche of verses from the Psalms, Isaiah and other prophets
* For more details on all these parallels, see the pages on and
As such, Christianity is really a puzzle where pieces have either a Hellenic or Jewish origin. It was the great synthesizer of its time. E.P. Sanders described the attractiveness of these types of comparative studies:
"They are not all that easy, but they are an awful lot of fun."
and argued that more are needed.

Jesus ≠ God
Knowing that everything in Christianity can be found elsewhere, there is no reason to believe there is more God behind it than elsewhere. What is the point of coming to earth if it is to repeat what everybody say in your neighbourhood? ;-)
Analogies and parallels with other pre Jesus-like characters were not denied by the church fathers; but they were explaining them as counterfeits and imitations created by Satan from the scriptures in order to deceive.
"Scholarship erodes faith."
L.T. Johnson (former Benedictine monk and priest)
The results of modern scholarship about the HJ have not reached yet the masses, far from that.
In Liberating the Gospels, J.S. Spong explains:
"So vivid are these details [ndr: the Passion of Jesus in Jerusalem], so clear are the pictures they paint, that there remains a general consensus in both church and society that these stories surely were literally created from vivid eyewitness recollections. The assumption is made, without much internal debate, that what we read here are literal and historic facts. Indeed, to think otherwise for most church people is almost inconceivable.
Yet that easy leap from familiar data to historic accuracy has been challenged increasingly in the last century, not by critics of the Christian faith who have abandoned organized religion in droves, but rather by the world of New Testament scholarship. Between the academy in which our clergy are trained and the pews in which our church members sit is a gap in knowledge of enormous proportions. Indeed, that gap might better be described as a void.
To listen to the sermons of many clergy, one would have to conclude either that they did not learn what is readily available in the centers of theological study or that they have decided not to share it. Perhaps a better explanation might be that this generation of clergy, unable themselves to process what they have learned or unable to correlate it with what they themselves believe, decided simply to ignore or suppress this biblical scholarship for as long as they could. If that is a more accurate explanation, then maybe what we are facing today is that the time limit on that process of ignoring or suppressing biblical scholarship has now finally run its course.
For many claims can be made about the passion story of the gospels, but claims of historical accuracy of literal facts are not among those that will stand."
It is always a surprise for me to see how much the vast majority of Christians have little interest in what Jesus really did and said, even what kind of man he was. Was he not God? Despite numerous hours in the media about the Bible, critical historical studies about the sacred texts and the origin of the movement are never put forward. Many Christians see them suspiciously.

The Westar Institute: An Advocate for Religious Literacy
At the end of the 1980s, an organisation was founded by Robert Funk in order to change this state of things. Westar is not affiliated with any religious institution nor does it advocate a particular theological point of view.
"Westar's twofold mission is
  • to foster collaborative research in religious studies
  • to communicate the results of the scholarship of religion to a broad, non-specialist public.
Until a few years ago, essential knowledge about biblical and religious traditions was hidden in the windowless studies of universities and seminaries-away from the general public. Such research was considered too controversial or too complicated for lay persons to understand. Many scholars, fearing open conflict or even reprisal, talked only to one another. The churches often decided what information their constituents were ‘ready’ to hear."
"Through publications, educational programs, and research projects like the Jesus Seminar, Westar has opened up a new kind of conversation about religion."
These are certainly good principles. but it didn't work so well as secular people ignore it and the Church mocked it.
A Historical Religion
"Christianity is a historical religion which claims that the God who made the universe actually became a man — a real human being who lived in a particular time and in a particular place. As a result, the idea of searching for the historical truth about Jesus made sense to me."
Brant Pitre The Case for Jesus
At a time when information can flow so easily, it is a shame to see this work hidden and unknown by the masses. Yet, a book like the Da Vinci Code (although pure fiction) has been a huge commercial success and a massive international bestseller:
  • broke one-day sales records.
  • stayed 136 consecutive weeks as a New York Times hardcover fiction best seller.
  • was translated into 51 languages.
  • and sold more than 80 millions copies worldwide.
It shows that people are interested by Jesus as a God, but also as a Man. Something quite normal in a society and culture still so much involved with the Christian faith.
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
Mark Twain
7 Theories on Jesus
What kind of Man was Jesus?
The Cryptic theory of modern scholars has many different versions, as would be the Cryptic Myth.
  • Hellenistic Hero
  • Revolutionary
  • Wisdom Sage
  • Man of the Spirit
  • Prophet of Social Change
  • Apocalyptic Prophet...
See Historical Jesus Theories by Peter Kirby
What kind of Myth was Jesus?
The two Jesus Myth theories say that Christianity began with the belief in a Mythical Christ, with no connections whatsoever with a recent man who would have lived in Galilee or elsewhere. They place his act of salvation -a crucifixion- in
  • Time: the mythical past
  • Location: one of the lower sphere of heaven, or an unknown spot on earth.
The progress made by the Jesus Myth theory
The Mythic Jesus viewpoint is not a new one, having been suggested for about 2 centuries. In the past, some of its arguments have been admittedly flawed while others are still valid today. It is the same story for the thousand of books arguing for a particular Historical Jesus (HJ): most of them are outdated and irrelevant today.
Here is a list of the best books defending the MJ:
The Myth theory has progressed a lot in the last 50 years, thanks to a group of excellent scholars like G.A. Wells, E. Doherty, R. Price, R. Carrrier and also in part to standard modern critical scholarship who has shown that so much attributed to Jesus is fake. Of course, this progression can only come at the expense of the HJ theory.
The lack of any valid response
On the other side, here are the most famous books for the HJ:
The handful of responses against the JM research and findings have been desperately bad. They have consistently ignored, misunderstood or misrepresented their arguments, see for examples Ehrman on Jesus: A Failure of Facts and Logic or Ehrman on Historicity Recap by R. Carrier and Earl Doherty’s response to Bart Ehrman.
The most painful is how much they regularly rely on these 3 logical fallacies:
"One of the great commandments of science is, "Mistrust arguments from authority."
... Too many such arguments have proved too painfully wrong.
Authorities must prove their contentions like everybody else."
C. Sagan The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
This web site supports the Myth theory developed initially by G.A Wells (although he owes a great deal to previous works) then E. Doherty and nowadays R. Carrrier.
It examined everything the Epistles & the Gospels say about Jesus, along with the religious & philosophical context of the time.
Its conclusion about the nature of Jesus
Man Passion in
Miracles &
God &
A Deity Historicized Secular
A Deified Man from Galilee
*Not a chance for the Christian hypothesis.
There is no possibility that the Christian's paradigm is true because it is the less plausible historically, and on top of that, it contradicts so much our philosophical & scientific knowledge:
In any case, the main goal of this web site is not to give a probability of 0 or 0.00x % to Christianity or any supernatural viewpoint, but to show that the Myth hypothesis is the best explanation for the records we have.
Color coding
Earth Heaven & Underworld Bible Quote:
"Christ the power of God
and the wisdom of God."
1 Corinthians 1:24
Non Bible Quote:
"There are two kinds of men.
The one is Heavenly Man, the other earthly."
Philo of Alexandria Legum Allegoriarum. 1.31
Two Opposite Scenarios
"I would suggest that only such a scenario [the myth one] of early Christological development can account for,
  • first, the utter absence of the gospel-story tradition from most of the New Testament Epistles,
  • and second, the fictive, nonhistorical character of story after story in the Gospels."
Robert Price (2 Ph.Ds) Deconstructing Jesus & The Incredible Shrinking Son of Man
A Critical Bug in Mainstream Theory
The Argument from Silence of the Epistles
A man ignored
  • Why would writer after writer fail consistently to mention the very man who was the founder of their faith, the teacher of their ethics, the incarnation of the divine Christ they worshiped and looked to for salvation?
  • Why would every Christian writer, in the highly polemical atmosphere during those early decades of the spread of the faith, fail to avail himself of the support for his position offered by the very words and deeds of the Son of God himself while he was on earth?
  • What could possibly explain this puzzling, maddening, universal silence?
Scholars, in seeking an explanation for Paul's blanket silence on the historical Jesus rationalize that Paul "had no interest" in Jesus' earthly incarnation, that his theology did not require it. This is difficult to fathom as Paul's faith is centered on the crucifixion.
  • What bizarre mental processes could have led him to disembody it, to completely detach it from its historical time and place, from the life which culminated on Calvary?
  • Why would he transplant the great redeeming act to some mythological realm of demonic powers who were responsible for "crucifying the Lord of glory"(1 Corinthians 2:8)?
  • Why would he give Christ "significance only as a transcendent divine being" Herman Ridderbos, Paul and Jesus?
  • How can you turn a man into God and attach every mythological concept of the day to him and ignore the human antecedent as though he never existed?
  • How can the Christ apostles never gave a clue that their theology grew out of previous views of Jesus as a human man and teacher?
  • How likely is it that such a total excision of the cult's previous interests in Jesus would have taken place, even in the process of a dramatic elevation to divinity?
More than 200 times, Paul had the opportunity in his writings to found or strengthen his theological preach with the sayings and deeds of Jesus on earth or the events of his life.
  • Could Pilate not have served Paul as an example of the "wisdom of the world" which could not understand the "wisdom of God" ?
  • How can Paul, in presenting his baptismal rite cared nothing about Jesus' own baptism by John? About such traditions that he had received the Spirit in the form of a dove, that he had been adopted as Son by the Father in the voice from heaven?
  • How can we assume that in all the bitter debates he engaged in through his letters, such as on the validity of the Jewish dietary laws, Paul never felt a need to introduce the Lord's own actions and teachings concerning the subjects under dispute?
  • Are we to accept, too, that Jesus' earthly signs and wonders would not have been an incalculable selling point to gentiles, immersed as they were in popular pagan traditions of the wonder-working "divine man," a concept which fitted the earthly career of Jesus to a "T"?
  • And are we to believe that, even if Paul had expunged Christ's human life from his own mind, his audiences and converts likewise felt no interest and did not press him for details of Jesus' earthly sayings and deeds -something of which he shows no sign in his letters?
E. Doherty The Jesus Puzzle
A recognized discrepancy
"This discrepancy [between the Gospels and the Epistles] is particularly striking when behaviour or teaching ascribed to him [Jesus] in the gospels has obvious relevance to the concerns being persued by the writers of these epistles.
The New Testament scholar Professor Graham Stanton frankly calls it 'baffling' that Paul fails to 'refer more frequently and at greater length to the actions and teaching of Jesus', particularly at points where 'he might well have clinched his argument by doing so'. And Stanton is aware that other epistles present us with 'similar problems' (Gospel Truth? New Light on Jesus and the Gospels 1995).
Similar remarks have been made by the German New Testament scholar Walter Schmithals, who also notes that one supposed reference by Paul to gospel material that is commonly adduced is based on nothing better than mistranslation of his Greek."
G.A. Wells
The kind of exchange we expect The silence we have
An absurd scenario
"In any event, explanations for Paul's silence and lack of interest would have to apply to all the other early epistle writers, who are equally silent--a situation so extraordinary as to defy rationalization. Amid such considerations, the argument from silence becomes legitimate and compelling. The total silence about a recent historical man and the movement he would have founded in Galilee is a problem scholars are unable to solve."
E. Doherty The Jesus Puzzle
The Solution: Christian Faith Evolved...
From a Mythical Christ
Diaspora Map
To a Historical Jesus
Galilean Map
  • Philippians
  • 1 Thessalon.
  • 1 Corinthians
  • 2 Corinthians
  • Galatians
  • Romans
  • Philemon
Non Pauline
  • Hebrews
  • James
The Records
  • Mark
  • Matthew
  • Luke then Act of the Apostles
  • John
From 1st century BCE(?) to 300 CE(?)
From 85 CE(?) to Nowadays
From Rome to Alexandria, big cities in the eastern part of the Roman Empire.
Set up in rural Galilee and its neighborhoods, but the Gospels could have been written anywhere.
Before 70 CE, the most important and earlier apostle we know of was a hellenized Jew called Paul.
There were also many others: James, Cephas, John, Apollos, Barnabas, Timothy, Titus, Andronicus, Junia...
Then the church Fathers Ignatius, Papias, Justin...
  • The Son of God
  • A Spirit & Revealer
  • The Logos
  • The Anti-Adam
  • A Heavenly Man with a Spiritual Body
  • A Heavenly Judge
  • An Apocalyptic Archangel
  • A Forever High Priest
  • A Descending/Ascending Redeemer
  • A Dying & Rising Savior
  • A Hero Founder and Role Model
  • A new Moses/Elijah/Elisha
  • Born in Bethlehem to the Virgin Mary
  • 40 days in the desert
  • Baptized and Transfigured
  • A Performer of Miracles
  • A Reformer
  • A Wandering Cynic Philosopher
  • An Apocalyptic Prophet of the Kingdom
  • "Really persecuted under Pontius Pilate"
  • A recent man on earth
  • Jesus of Nazareth
  • A recent man on earth
  • Jesus of Nazareth
  • By Visiting the Heavens
  • By Visions
  • By Reinterpretating Scriptures
  • By Being Possessed by Christ
  • By Baptism & Eucharist
  • By the words of those who knew Jesus of Nazareth
  • By a Gradual Elevation
  • By Copying each others
  • By Haggadic Midrash
  • By using Symbolism & Allegory
  • By Cheating History
  • By using Literary Constructs
  • By Rewriting History
  • By an Oral Tradition about Jesus of Nazareth
The Dark Side of Christianity
A Unique Historical Context 4 Interpolations
A Massive
A Flood of
A Unique
Josephus Tacitus
Thessalonians 2:15 1 Timothy
It is impossible to know what the original manuscript of the NT said because these first-generations examples no longer exist, and they have not been transmistted properly afterwards.
A Well Known Issue for the Church Fathers
"Some believers, as though from a drinking bout, go so far as to oppose themselves and alter the original text of the gospel three or four or several times over and they change its character to enable them to deny difficulties in face of criticism."
Origen quoting Celsus in Against Celsus
"The differences among the manuscripts have become great, either through the negligence of some copyists or through the perverse audacity of others; they either neglect to check over what they have transcribed, or in the process of checking, they make additions or deletions as they please."
Origen Commentary on Matthew
"dismembered the epistles of Paul, removing all that is said by the apostle respecting that God who made the world, to the effect that He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and also those passages from the prophetical writings which the apostle quotes, in order to teach us that they announced beforehand the coming of the Lord."
Irenaeus (orthodox Bishop of Lyon) about Marcion in Against Heresies
"When my fellow-Christians invited me to write letters to them I did so. These the devil's apostles have filled with tares, taking away some things and adding others. For them the woe is reserved. Small wonder then if some have dared to tamper even with the word of the Lord himself, when they have conspired to mutilate my own humble efforts."
Eusebius quoting Dionysius who was an orthodox bishop of Corinth, in History of the Church
"So it was that they [apostates] laid hands unblushingly on the Holy Scriptures, claiming to have corrected them..."
Eusebius History of the Church

But who is right? Since orthodoxy, itself, was doing it:
"Charges of this kind against "heretics"-that they altered the texts of scripture to make them say what they wanted them to mean-are very common among early Christian writers. What is noteworthy, however, is that recent studies have shown that the evidence of our surviving manuscripts points the finger in the opposite direction.
Scribes who were associated with the orthodox tradition not infrequently changed their texts."
B. Ehrman Misquoting Jesus
Thousands of Variations
"...so what can we say now about the total number of variants known today in the NT?
Scholars differ significantly in their estimates: from 200,000 to 400,000.
There are more variations among our manuscripts than there are words in the New Testament!"
B. Ehrman Misquoting Jesus
Most differences among early manuscripts are insignifiant, merely mispellings or deleted lines, but many impact core Christian beliefs. In fact Ehrman explains that some scribes altered the text based on conflicts of faith raging in the early days of Christianity. These alterations were motivated by disagreements over many central Christian beliefs, including the divinity of Jesus, doctrine of the trinity, fleshly existence of Jesus and the virgin birth.
In the end, we only have what the winning side left us.
"The winning side decided which books were going to count as scripture and which books were going to be excluded, and the books that were excluded, then, of course, are deemed heretical - teaching false beliefs - and aren't included in the canon of scripture. And only the books, then, the 27 books that finally made it into the New Testament are considered canonical."
B. Ehrman Misquoting Jesus
Naturally, all 'heretical' texts were never copied or destroyed.
"...Christian literature, and history, holds almost no analogy with any other literature or history we could care to name. From Homer to Tacitus, there is by comparison virtually no such background or context of ideological conflict affecting the texts--affecting not only the doctoring or editing of their content, but their very selection and preservation. Christianity's own history, and above all the nature of Jesus, was the very target of contention here. I cannot think of any comparable problem in ancient history that is as seriously challenged by such biasing of the source material.
Yet the "victorious" sect happened to be historicist. Since that was an accident of their tactics and good fortune, we cannot be entirely confident that the orthodoxy, much less the surviving source material, reflects the truth about Jesus. This is all the more troubling since we know the orthodox sect was credulously eager to latch onto any piece of nonsense that supported their historicist position. Prominent examples include the obvious fantasies inserted into the Gospel narrative by Matthew, the wild legends believed and repeated by the early 2nd century Christian Papias, and Eusebius' belief and reliance upon a forged letter of Jesus himself. More troubling, though more debatable, examples include Luke's "importation" of historical details into the basic combination of Mark and Q so as to make a hagiography look like a history (see my "Luke and Josephus"), and John's probable invention of the Doubting Thomas tale.
All this does not entail that the historicist sect was wrong and that Jesus didn't exist. But it does throw a wrench into any argument that draws on analogies with other historical questions which were not subject from the start to this unusually intense and persistent ideological conflict and behavior. Historians are in a worse position regarding early Christian history than any comparable (and comparably preserved) institutional history (such as the origins of the major schools of philosophy), and the most suspect elements are, by an unfortunate coincidence, the very ones a historicist needs to settle his case."
R. Carrier Did Jesus Exist? Earl Doherty and the Argument to Ahistoricity (2002)
Here are the source I will use to create a little summary.
The Jewish historian Flavius Josephus exhibits two contentious passages referring to a human Jesus. One is a Christian composition as it now stands, and the other is problematic in certain respects.
In the absence of any other supporting evidence from the first century that in fact the Jesus of Nazareth portrayed in the Gospels clearly existed, Josephus becomes the slender thread by which such an assumption hangs. And the sound and fury and desperate maneuverings which surround the dissection of those two little passages becomes a din of astonishing proportions.
Earl Doherty:
Richard Carrier:
Ken A. Olson:
Paul Hopper:
Gary J. Goldberg:
Robert G. Price:
Neil Godfrey:
A list of 22 Vridar posts on the topic: Jesus in Josephus: Testimonium Flavianum
"You [referring to the Christians of Thessalonica] have fared like the congregations in Judea, God's people in Christ Jesus. You have been treated by your countrymen as they are treated by the Jews, who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and drove us out, the Jews who are heedless of God's will and enemies of their fellow-men, hindering us from speaking to the gentiles to lead them to salvation. All this time they have been making up the full measure of their guilt, and now retribution has overtaken them for good and all."
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16
Arguments for the Interpolation
An Anachronism
Verse 16 is an apparent reference to the destruction of Jerusalem that happened several years after Paul's death.
It is even barely conceivable that it refers to the outcome of the second Jewish Revolt (132-5), when Bar Kochba was crushed, Jews were expelled from Palestine, and a Roman city was built over the ruins of Jerusalem.
This finality of God's wrath must refer to an event on the scale of the first Jewish War (66-70), when the Temple and much of Jerusalem were destroyed, not, as is sometimes claimed (e.g., by R. E. Brown), to the expulsion of Jews from Rome (apparently for messianic agitation) by Claudius in the 40s. This gleeful, apocalyptic statement is hardly to be applied to a local event which the Thessalonians may or may not have been aware of several years later. Besides, Paul's reference in verse 14 (which many take as the end of the genuine passage) is to a persecution by Jews in Judea, and even the killing of Jesus was the responsibility of Jews in that location. Offering a local event in Rome as a punishment for either crime seems somehow inappropriate. There are also those who question whether any such persecution of Christians took place prior to 70 (see Douglas Hare, The Theme of Jewish Persecution of Christians in the Gospel According to St. Matthew, p.30ff.), indicating that perhaps even verse 14 is part of the interpolation, by someone who had little knowledge of the conditions in Judea at the time of Paul's letter. (Pearson, below, suggests this.)
Contradicting Paul's view on the Jews
It does not concur with what Paul elsewhere says about his fellow countrymen, whom he expects will in the end be converted to Christ. Rather, this is characteristic language of 2nd century Christianity. The vicious sentiments in these verses is recognized as an example of "gentile anti-Judaism" and "foreign to Paul's theology that 'all Israel will be saved'." (See Birger Pearson: "1 Thessalonians 2:13-16: A Deutero-Pauline Interpolation," Harvard Theological Review 64 [1971], p.79-94, a thorough consideration of the question.)
Contradicting Romans 11
I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. God did not reject his people, whom he foreknew.
Romans 11
a passage in which he speaks of the guilt of the Jews for failing to heed the message about the Christ, Paul refers to Elijah's words in 1 Kings, about the (largely unfounded) accusation that the Jews have habitually killed the prophets sent from God. Here Paul breathes not a whisper about any responsibility on the part of the Jews for the ultimate atrocity of the killing of the Son of God himself. This would be an inconceivable silence if the 2:15-16 passage in 1 Thessalonians were genuine and the basis of the accusation true.
The sole responsibility of the Jews
About Israel
Scholars voting for the interpolation
These are some of the scholars who have pronounced 1 Thessalonians 2:15-16 an interpolation:
  • Birger A. Pearson: "1 Thessalonians 2:13-16: A Deutero-Pauline Interpolation," Harvard Theological Review 64 (1971) p.79-94
  • Burton Mack: Who Wrote the New Testament? p.113
  • Wayne Meeks: The First Urban Christians, p.9, n.117
  • Helmut Koester: Introduction to the New Testament, vol. II, p.113
  • Pheme Perkins: Harper's Bible Commentary, p.1230, 1231-2
  • S. G. F. Brandon: The Fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church, p.92-93
  • Paula Fredriksen: From Jesus to Christ, p.122
B.Ehrman counter-arguments
No variant in any extant manuscripts
There are no different textual traditions of 1 Thessalonians without the disputed passage. Since this is so, it is claimed, the insertion would have to have been made very early (soon after 70), when there would hardly have been enough time for the evolution from the mythical to the historical Jesus phase. But this is an unfounded assumption. Recently (see The New Testament and Its Modern Interpreters, Epp and MacRae, eds., 1989, p.207f.) some scholars have abandoned the old idea that the first corpus of Pauline letters was assembled no later than the year 90. They now see such a collection as coming around the time of Marcion in the 140s. Even though a few individual letters, like Romans and the two Corinthians, do seem to have been known by the turn of the century to people like Ignatius, the first witness to the epistle 1 Thessalonians in the wider Christian record (beyond the writer who used it to compose 2 Thessalonians, probably in that city) comes no earlier than that first corpus.
Thus the interpolation in 2:15-16 could have been made considerably later than 70. Even into the second century, Christian anti-Semitism remained high and the catastrophic events of the first Jewish War were very much alive in the memories of both Jew and gentile in the eastern empire. The inserted passage could have been made in the letter's own community, before it entered the corpus. It is even barely conceivable that verse 16 refers to the outcome of the second Jewish Revolt (132-5), when Bar Kochba was crushed, Jews were expelled from Palestine, and a Roman city was built over the ruins of Jerusalem.
Earl Doherty
"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. In the sight of God, who gives life to everything, and of Christ Jesus, who while testifying before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which God will bring about in his own time"
1 Timothy 6:12-14

Earl Doherty Book Jesus: neither God Nor Man p.660-662

"Who controls the present controls the past."
G. Orwell
Last Chance for Jesus: 5 References to an HJ in the Epistles?
Born of
a Woman
Brother of
the Lord
The Last
Died and
The Body of the Soul
"The idea that souls do not have mass, that souls are not "bodies" with location, made of a material, was unusual in antiquity, unlike today. In fact, the common idea of a massless, immaterial soul is largely a product of medieval thought, though the idea already had a nascent place in Platonism and certain pagan cults...
Rather, it was certainly the pure homogenous element of aether, the material of the heavens, well-known to all thinkers of the day as the only indestructible, unchanging material in the universe."
R. Carrier Osiris and Pagan Resurrection Myths
Most material is taken from Earl Doherty's book and web site Jesus Puzzle
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The Jesus Puzzle: Did Christianity begin with a mythical Christ? Deconstructing Jesus The Incredible Shrinking Son of Man Jesus: Neither God Nor Man
The God Who Wasn't There (2005)
YouTube Video
Why Invent the Jesus? • Richard Carrier Ph.D.
YouTube Video
This Web Site By Vincent Guilbaud