Besides the Gospels, the two first clear references to Jesus as a human man in recent history are
- The supposed letters of Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, around 107 CE during his journey to Rome to die a martyr's death in the brutal arena:
"Close your ears, then, if anyone preaches to you without speaking of Jesus Christ.Epistle to the Trallians 9:1f
Christ was of David's line.
He was the son of Mary,
who was really born, ate and drink,
was really persecuted under Pontius Pilate,
was really crucified..."In reality, there is very little chance that Ignatius could have composed these letters, since he was escorted by Romans as a person sentenced to death. They must not be authentic and written several years after. - Followed by the Roman aristocrat Tacitus in Rome in 115 CE,
who may simply be repeating newly-developed Christian belief in an historical Jesus in the Rome of his day:
"The founder of that name was Christus, who, in the reign of Tiberius,
was punished, as a criminal by the procurator, Pontius Pilate".
The lack of any reliable source that he would have used is confirmed by many scholars:"It should be clear in any event that Tacitus is basing his comment about Jesus on hearsay rather than, say, detailed historical research"B. Ehrman Did Jesus Exist?Plus, the case for the interpolation is strong.
The figure of Jesus of Nazareth is notably missing from all Non-Christian records
- All Roman and Greek writers
Pliny Younger* & Elder, Suetonius*, Seneca, Epictetus, Martial, Juvenal, Plutarch*...
* wrote about Christianity. - All Jewish writers:
- Philo of Alexandria 20 BC-50 CE who nevertheless
- visited Jerusalem and Palestine,
- wrote about unusual sects like the Therapeutae and the Essenes,
- was very familiar with the midrash Halakah Palestinian,
- wrote about political conflicts between the Jews and Pontius Pilate in Judea.
- Justus of Tiberias 35 CE-100 CE despite Jesus would have performed his ministry and miracles in his neighborhood.
- Josephus 37 CE-100 CE although he described John the Baptist and four messianic figures.
This study is making the case that the references of Jesus in the Antiquity of the Jews 94 CE (The Testimonium Flavianum) is an interpolation. Something many scholars acknowledge:"Whether or not Jesus lived has to be decided on other kinds of evidence from this"B. Ehrman Did Jesus Exist?
- Philo of Alexandria 20 BC-50 CE who nevertheless